Upcoming Open Houses

Can I visit an open house right now?

Residential real estate services are now considered an essential service. As of May 12, 2021, the Industry Guidance on Real Estate Transactions was updated to allow for open houses.  On May 18th The Orange County Health Officer updated their Orders and Strong Recommendations to align with the statewide guidance (Revised again September 28, 2021). 

This means that Open Houses are NOW permitted within Orange County, CA again! 

There are no county tiers, capacity limits, or physical distancing requirements. But COVID-19 has not gone away. To safely go about our daily lives, we need to keep taking steps to prevent the spread. Here is what to expect:

  • If you feel sick or have COVID symptoms you can not visit an open house or tour properties in person. Please stay home.
  • Property owners may still require you to wear a mask inside their home at their discretion. 
  • The OC Health Department requires masks for indoor settings public and business settings for unvaccinated individuals.

If you would prefer to schedule a private COVID Safe showing appointment. You can search for homes by clicking here. When you find a home that you are interested in seeing, just click on the [Schedule a COVID-19 Safe Tour] button and I can make arrangements to get you in to see it. 

I can also set up a custom search for you and provide expert advice about the market and the homes that you are interested in. Click here to tell me a little bit about what kind of home you are looking for. 

Below is a list of the upcoming Open Houses near you.

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