Lending Standards Are Not Like They Were Leading Up to the Crash

You might be worried we’re heading for a housing crash, but there are many reasons why this housing market isn’t like the one we saw…

Housing Experts Say This Isn’t a Bubble

With so much talk about an economic slowdown, some people are asking if the housing market is heading for a crash like the one in 2008. To really…

A Recession Does Not Equal a Housing Crisis [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights: There is plenty of talk in the media about a pending economic slowdown. The good news is, home values actually increased in 3…

Why Today’s Housing Market Is Not About To Crash

There’s been some concern lately that the housing market is headed for a crash. And given some of the affordability challenges in the housing market,…

Real Estate Is Soaring, But Not Like 2008

Unlike last year, the residential real estate market kicked off 2020 with a bang! In their latest Monthly Mortgage Monitor, Black Knight proclaimed:“The housing market…